Webinars di marzo
2 marzo 2021
Anche per il mese di marzo, la nostra scuola gallese ha in programma dei webinars molto interessanti, ogni mercoledì alle 5 ora italiana.
Mercoledì 3 marzo: a very Welsh day. Lush! Language focus: natural English, local expressions and Welsh traditions.
Mercoledì 10 marzo: work up your appetite! Discuss eating traditions around the world with gourmand experts. Language focus: conditionals to talk about habits and food related promises.
Mercoledì 17 marzo: come in boots and all, it’s rugby time! Let’s tackle some langauge related to the most popular sport in Wales and other international sports. Language focus: imperatives for instructions and common sports idioms.
Mercoledì 24 marzo: hope springs Eternal, blossom by blossom the spring begins. Join the team to talk about the most hopeful season of the year. Language focus: phrasal verbs and common terms for new beginnins, hope and transformation.
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